
Week in Cusco

I stayed with a really nice family and took classes Mon-Fri at the same ECELA school that I attended in Buenos Aires and Santiago. During the afternoons I explored the city, hung out with friends from school, and with Cydney at her hostel (and studied, of course).





























South America 08-09

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The Ruins: Tipon, Piquillacta, Saqsaywaman, Q’enqo, Tambomachay, Pukapukara

Other than the famous Machu Picchu ruins there are many ruins in and around Cusco. I especially liked the Tipon and the Piquillacta ruins because since they’re a little further and it was a bit misty the day Cydney and I went, we were the only people there and it felt like we were explorers discovering the ruins for the first time.

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South America 08-09

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Brittni Comió Cuy

Want the translation? You’ll probably regret it once I tell you. Okay, brace yourself…
“Brittni ate guinea pig”

So, there it is and yes, it’s true. Here’s the proof:

It wasn’t actually as good as I made it look, but I had to fake it to get Cydney to try it ;-). I think seeing the little feet got to my head. I feel like if I grew up with eating them instead of having them as pets, it wouldn’t bother me. Well, no one can ever say that I’m not willing to try new things. I hear there’s a town in the South of Peru where I can eat cats. I don’t know if I would go that far, though. ;-)

South America 08-09

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Hotel Los Niños. Inspiring.

Here’s a little video and story about a hotel I stayed at in Cusco:

From the website http://www.ninoshotel.com/:

“The Niños Story in short:

In July 1996 Jolanda van den Berg left for Cusco in Peru. Half a year before she’d been in Peru on holiday and had seen many children begging on the streets. She decided to do something about it. Even if she could only help one child, she thought, it would be worth it.

Almost directly after her arrival in Cusco, Jolanda adopted two children. Within a year her family had grown to 12 children.

In 1998 Jolanda began the Niños Hotel from which profits are spent on child aid projects also initiated and lead by Jolanda. Since May 2002 there is a second Niños Hotel in Cusco, with the same aim.

The Niños Hotels together with a large number of Niños donors allow 500 extremely neglected children to get a hot meal every day, a warm shower, medical aid, dental aid, homework lessons.”


Someday I will make this kind of difference. Segura.

Hotel Los Niño from Brittni Daley on Vimeo.

South America 08-09

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Finally in Cusco

After a 22 hour bus ride which was also delayed because the tire blew, we finally made it to Cusco!

I hate to share some bad news, but unfortunately, I’ve been a bit sick the last few days. I think I’m actually fighting off 2 things: a pretty standard cold and a stomach bug which I believe to be from the polluted water I surfed in (I know, not the best idea I’ve ever had - then again, not the worst). But at least I’m not hungover …like I was yesterday :-l

But the show must go on! I’m getting up early tomorrow to do a light jog and start getting my body acclimated to the high altitude. I’m between 11-12,000 ft and need to be ready for my 4 day Inca trail hike to Machu Picchu starting this Saturday! So excited! :-)

South America 08-09

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Thank You Santa!

For Christmas this year I got a Canon Powershot G10. I love it so much and would highly recommend it to anyone thinking about upgrading their camera. It is, by far, the best camera I have ever owned. I’ve been more motivated to take artsy photos instead of just point-smile-shoot, like I usually do, and am really interested in learning more about photography. I’ve got a bunch of great shots with it so far, but unfortunately they loose quality when I upload them, so you wont be able to appreciate them at there fullest.

Here are some photo’s of a water park I went to with some friends:

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Here’s a video of the fountain that had the kid’s playing in it. I didn’t get a video of me playing in the adult fountain, but it looked similar, just bigger:

Lima Water Park from Brittni Daley on Vimeo.

South America 08-09

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Bus Accident in Lima

I was sitting in the front seat of a local bus just like the one that you see speed by us and get into an accident with a car in this video. And I started recording this video because the driver of my bus was driving sooo crazily! Can you believe that?
Be sure to watch until the end so you can see the front of the bus after we drive by it. Since I was in the front seat, I would definitely be in the hospital or dead if that was my bus!
…um…not to make anyone at home more worried than they already are.

Oh, and I did a little editing in iMovie for emphasis. So, no, the bus didn’t really crash 3 times.

South America 08-09

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First Stop - Lima, Peru

After about 11 hours on the plane, I landed safely in Lima, took a shuttle to my hostel and dropped off my bags. And what was the next thing I did? Met a few other girls and went on a run with them! It was a great way to explore the city a bit while expanding built-up energy from the plane ride. We ran to the beach and along the coast and saw a bunch of surfers which got me really excited to go surfing, so that was the next thing I did! Even though I didn’t think I needed a lesson, the lesson was about the same price as just renting the board and wetsuit, so I did it anyway. But I did get up on my own, even with a much thinner board than I’m used to. The water was nice and warm and it was a beautiful day. The only down sides were that the water seemed pretty polluted and I got sick later that day and at some point I managed to kick something very prickly, probably a sea anemone, which I had to pull a piece out of my toe later with tweezers.

I meet up with my old roommate from Buenos Aires, Cydney, who I’ll be traveling with for a few weeks and we walked around town a bit, did some errands, took some pictures, and then went back and hung out at the hostel.

I also got a local sim card, in case anyone needs to get a hold me: (051-01-9) 8569-0416

A Chinese restaurant in Lima

A Chinese restaurant in Lima

On the coast in Miraflores, Lima

On the coast in Miraflores, Lima



My friend, Cydney

My friend, Cydney





Reading a Spanish book I bought right before the picture was taken

Reading a Spanish book I bought right before the picture was taken

For some reason, everyone just wanted to kiss me that day.

For some reason, everyone just wanted to kiss me that day.

Me and my surfing teacher

Me and my surfing teacher

Ok, the board I used was actually a little bigger than that one ;-)

Ok, the board I used was actually a little bigger than that one ;-)



Not me, but I looked just like that

Not me, but I looked just like that

The beach in Lima

The beach in Lima







Hanging out at the hostel, trying new, exotic fruit

Hanging out at the hostel, trying new, exotic fruit

My friend and the hostel cat

My friend and the hostel cat

South America 08-09

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Gap Year Part 2 - The Adventure Begins

After a wonderful month back home visiting friends and family in California, I’m psyched to start the next part of my year off! For those of you I haven’t told, I have some pretty cool stuff planned out for the next 6 months. Here’s an overview of my plans:

I’m starting in Peru - Lima, Cusco, the Inca trail to Machu Picchu, then Lake Titicaca.
Then I’ll be heading to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for Carnival. To get there I’ll go through Bolivia and spend some time in the rain forest, see the salt flats in Bolivia and Argentina, and pass through the Iguazu falls again.
After Carnival in Rio I’m heading down to Ushuaia, Argentina, the furthest most city in the world, where my boat to Antarctica will leave from on March 2nd for a 12 day voyage. I have plenty of warm clothes packed and I’m reading a bunch of books on Antarctica now to get psyched up.
After Antarctica I’m going to be heading North again. I’ll be passing through a few places I visited in Argentina and Chile in November, but then making my way back up through Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, then taking a ferry to Panama, and then through the rest of Central America. I would love to take a detour to the Galapagos Islands while I’m in Ecuador, if time and money permits. I’m going to try to avoid time constraints and take it easy. What I’ve realized more and more after traveling is that the more flexible I can be the better. So, my only real time constraint is to be home by mid-July in order to get ready for a big motorcycle ride to Sturgis, South Dakota. At one point, however, I do plan on stopping for at least 2-4 weeks in a smaller town (probably in Guatemala since I’ve heard such good things) and doing some volunteer work (probably teaching English to kids). And I also have it in the back of my mind to look at possibly taking a Dive Master Course along the way as well.

Well, that’s it. I’ll really try to keep on this blog as much as possible, posting photos, videos, and writing about my experiences. :-)

South America 08-09

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I finally went Skydiving! I’ve been wanting to so long and finally I made it happen - and also talked my brother and 3 friends into doing it with me! Yes! It was so much fun and on of the most intense experiences of my life. Can’t wait to do it again!

Here’s my jump:

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And here’s Brent’s jump:

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