After a wonderful month back home visiting friends and family in California, I’m psyched to start the next part of my year off! For those of you I haven’t told, I have some pretty cool stuff planned out for the next 6 months. Here’s an overview of my plans:
I’m starting in Peru - Lima, Cusco, the Inca trail to Machu Picchu, then Lake Titicaca.
Then I’ll be heading to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for Carnival. To get there I’ll go through Bolivia and spend some time in the rain forest, see the salt flats in Bolivia and Argentina, and pass through the Iguazu falls again.
After Carnival in Rio I’m heading down to Ushuaia, Argentina, the furthest most city in the world, where my boat to Antarctica will leave from on March 2nd for a 12 day voyage. I have plenty of warm clothes packed and I’m reading a bunch of books on Antarctica now to get psyched up.
After Antarctica I’m going to be heading North again. I’ll be passing through a few places I visited in Argentina and Chile in November, but then making my way back up through Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, then taking a ferry to Panama, and then through the rest of Central America. I would love to take a detour to the Galapagos Islands while I’m in Ecuador, if time and money permits. I’m going to try to avoid time constraints and take it easy. What I’ve realized more and more after traveling is that the more flexible I can be the better. So, my only real time constraint is to be home by mid-July in order to get ready for a big motorcycle ride to Sturgis, South Dakota. At one point, however, I do plan on stopping for at least 2-4 weeks in a smaller town (probably in Guatemala since I’ve heard such good things) and doing some volunteer work (probably teaching English to kids). And I also have it in the back of my mind to look at possibly taking a Dive Master Course along the way as well.
Well, that’s it. I’ll really try to keep on this blog as much as possible, posting photos, videos, and writing about my experiences.